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   发布时间:2023-02-22         浏览次数:




2018.09—2019.10,莱斯大学(Rice University),CSC联合培养博士;














《Green Energy and Resources》(GER)国际期刊——青年编委


(1)2022.07 黑龙江省自然科学基金优秀青年项目“生物炭介导功能生物膜强化修复黑土除草剂残留及氮素调控机制研究”(资助编号:YQ2022D005),在研,主持。

(2)2021.06 中国博士后科学基金面上项目“生物炭固定化降解酶强化修复泰乐菌素及泰乐菌素抗性基因复合污染土壤的机制研究”(资助编号:2021M690579),在研,主持。

(3)2021.12 黑龙江省博士后金面上项目“生物炭介导功能细菌生物膜原位强化修复黑土中阿特拉津污染的效能及机制研究”(资助编号:LBH-Z21112),在研,主持。

(4)2021.10 伟德betvlctor体育官方网站,“东农学者学术骨干计划”项目“生物炭介导功能细菌生物膜原位强化修复黑土中阿特拉津污染的效能及机制研究”(资助编号:54916012),在研,主持。


Bo Zhang, Pingfeng Yu, Zijian Wang, Pedro J. J. Alvarez. Hormetic pomotion of biofilm growth by polyvalent bacteriophages at low concentrations [J]. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 54 (19):12358-12365. (Q1, IF= 11.357)

Jianhua Qu1, Bo Zhang1, Hua Tong, Yang Liu , Siqi Wang, Shuqi Wei, Lei Wang, Yifan Wang, Ying Zhang*.High-efficiency decontamination of Pb(II) and tetracycline in contaminated water using ball-milled magnetic bone derived biochar. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2023, 385 (20): 135683. (共一,Q1, IF=11.072)

Bo Zhang, Zhen Guo, Jianhua Qu, Jingdan Zhang, Jie Liu, Yue Tao, Ying Zhang, Muhammad Fahad Sardar, Xiaohu Dai, Huiling Liu, 2022. Simultaneous reductions in antibiotic, antibiotic resistance genes and nitrogen loss during bioaugmentation tylosin fermentation dregs co-composting [J]. Science of The Total Environment. 2022, 850 (1): 158069. (Q1, IF=10.753)

Bo Zhang, Mengmeng Wang, Jianhua Qu, Ying Zhang, Huiling Liu. Characterization and mechanism analysis of tylosin biodegradation and simultaneous ammonia nitrogen removal with strain Klebsiella sp. TN-1 [J]. Bioresource Technology. 2021, 336:125342. (Q1, IF=11.889)

Bo Zhang, Mengmeng Wang, Bing Wang, Yanjun Xin, Jiaqi Gao, Huiling Liu. The effects of bio-available copper on macrolide antibiotic resistance genes and mobile elements during tylosin fermentation dregs co-composting [J]. Bioresource Technology. 2018, 251: 230-237. (Q1, IF=11.889)

Bo ZhangQingbin YuanMeng meng WangRuonan SunHuiling LiuPeng Wang. Insights into the effects of Zn exposure on the fate of tylosin resistance genes and dynamics of microbial community during co-composting with tylosin fermentation dregs and swine manure [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021, 28 (12):14423-14433. (Q2, IF=5.190)

Bo Zhang, Mengmeng Wang, Chen Cai, Peng Wang, Huiling Liu. Assessing the effects of tylosin fermentation dregs as soil amendment on macrolide antibiotic resistance genes and microbial communities: Incubation study [J]. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2020, 55 (9): 854-863. (Q3, IF=2.506)

Bo Zhang, Peng Wang, 2020. Insights into Variable effects of As (III) on the fate of antibiotics resistance genes and microbial community during antibiotic fermentation dregs co-composted with swine manure. Journal of IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/696/1/012030. (EI)

Bo Zhang, Yanlong Sun, Tong Zheng, Peng Wang, 2015. Microwave/Ultraviolet‐asssisted regeneration of granular activated carbon and the dechlorination of adsorbed chloramphenicol. Water Resources and Environment, WRE 2015: 171-176. (EI, Accession Number: 20155101689324)

Yanlong Sun, Bo Zhang, Tong Zheng, Peng Wang, 2017. Regeneration of activated carbon saturated with chloramphenicol by microwave and ultraviolet irradiation [J]. Chemical Engineering. Journal 320: 264-270.

Mengmeng Wang, Bo Zhang, Chen Cai, Yanjun Xin, Huiling Liu, 2018. Acidic hydrothermal treatment: Characteristics of organic, nitrogen and phosphorus releasing and process optimization on lincomycin removal from lincomycin mycelial residues [J]. Chemical Engineering. Journal 336: 436-444.

Haibo Wang, Pingfeng Yu, Cory Schwarz, Bo Zhang, Lixin Huo, Baoyou Shi, and Pedro J. J. Alvarez, 2022. Phthalate Esters Released from Plastics Promote Biofifilm Formation and Chlorine Resistance. Environmental Science & Technology, DOI:10.1021/acs.est.1c04857.

Mengmeng Wang, Chen Cai, Bo Zhang, Huiling Liu, 2018. Characterization and mechanism analysis of lincomycin biodegradation with Clostridium sp. strain LCM-B isolated from lincomycin mycelial residue (LMR) [J]. Chemosphere 193: 611-617.





