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Ho S-H, Zhang C, Chen W-H*, Shen Y, Chang J-S. Characterization of biomass waste torrefaction under conventional and microwave heating. Bioresource Technology. 2018; 264:7-16. IF=11.889(中科院一区TOP)
Zhang C, Ho S-H*, Chen W-H*, Fu Y, Chang J-S, Bi X. Oxidative torrefaction of biomass nutshells: Evaluations of energy efficiency as well as biochar transportation and storage. Applied Energy. 2019; 235:428-41. IF=11.446(中科院一区TOP)
Zhang C, Wang C, Cao G, Chen W-H*, Ho S-H*. Comparison and characterization of property variation of microalgal biomass with non-oxidative and oxidative torrefaction. Fuel. 2019; 246:375-85. IF=8.035(中科院一区TOP)
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Zhang C, Ho S-H*, Chen W-H*, Eng CF, Wang C-T. Simultaneous implementation of sludge dewatering and solid biofuel production by microwave torrefaction. Environmental Research. 2021;195:110775. IF=8.431(中科院二区)
Zhang C, Ho S-H*, Chen W-H*, Wang R. Comparative indexes, fuel characterization and thermogravimetric- Fourier transform infrared spectrometer-mass spectrogram (TG-FTIR-MS) analysis of microalga Nannochloropsis Oceanica under oxidative and inert torrefaction. Energy. 2021;230:120824. IF=8.857(中科院一区TOP)
Zhang C, Ho S-H*, Chen W-H*, Wang R, Show P-L, Ong HC. Oxidative torrefaction performance of microalga Nannochloropsis Oceanica towards an upgraded microalgal solid biofuel. Journal of Biotechnology. 2021;338:81-90. IF=3.595(中科院三区)
Zhang C, Yang W, Chen W-H*, Ho S-H*, Pétrissans A, Pétrissans M. Effect of torrefaction on the structure and reactivity of rice straw as well as life cycle assessment of torrefaction process. Energy. 2021:122470. IF=8.857(中科院一区TOP)
Zhang C, Chen W-H*, Ho S-H*. Elemental loss, enrichment, transformation and life cycle assessment of torrefied corncob. Energy. 2021:123019. IF=8.857(中科院一区TOP)
Zhang C, Li F, Ho S-H*, Chen W-H*, Gunarathne DS, Show PL. Oxidative torrefaction of microalga Nannochloropsis Oceanica activated by potassium carbonate for solid biofuel production. Environmental Research. 2022;212:113389. IF=8.431(中科院二区)
Zhang C, Wang M, Chen W-H*, Pétrissans A, Pétrissans M, Ho S-H*. A comparison of conventional and oxidative torrefaction of microalga Nannochloropsis Oceanica through energy efficiency analysis and life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022;369:133236. IF=11.072(中科院一区)