Journal of Cleaner Production, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment等期刊审稿人。Frontiers in Plant Science专刊青年编委。曾兼职中美诺威特生物营养(湖北)有限公司技术顾问。
1.Tang JC, Li CF, Tan WF, Cao CG, Zhang WJ, Zhang L, Hu QY, Xiong H, Luo J, Song WJ, Liu TQ*. Introducing soil air injection device to reduce carbon footprint of rice production system in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 406: 137068.
2.Hu QY, Li CF, Cao CG, Huang JL, Ding HN, Yu M, Liu J, Liu TQ*. The rice–edible mushroom pattern promotes the transformation of composted straw-C to soil organic carbon. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2023, 353: 108560.
3.Liu TQ, Li CF, Tan WF, Wang JP, Feng JH, Hu QY, Cao CG*. Rice-crayfish co-culture reduces ammonia volatilization and increases rice nitrogen uptake in central China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2022, 330: 107869.
4.Liu TQ, Guo LJ, Cao CG, Tan WF, Li CF*. Long-term rice-oilseed rape rotation increases soil organic carbon by improving functional groups of soil organic matter. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2021, 319: 107548.
5.Liu TQ, Li SH, Guo LJ, Li CF*, Zhai ZB, Zhou JY, Mei YM, Ke HJ. Advantages of nitrogen fertilizer deep placement in greenhouse gas emissions and net ecosystem economic benefits from no-tillage paddy fields. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020: 121322.
6.Tang JC#, Liu TQ#, Jiang Y, Nie JF, Xing JY, Zhang L, Zhang WJ, Tan WF, Cao CG*. Current status of carbon neutrality in Chinese rice fields (2002-2017) and strategies for its achievement. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 842: 156713.
7.Liu TQ, Huang JF, Chai KB, Cao CG, Li CF*. Effects of N fertilizer sources and tillage practices on NH3 volatilization, grain yield, and N use efficiency of rice fields in central China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 385-385.
8.Liu TQ, Fan DJ, Zhang XX, Chen J, Cao CG*, Li CF*. Deep placement of nitrogen fertilizers reduces ammonia volatilization and increases nitrogen utilization efficiency in no-tillage paddy fields in central China. Field Crops Research, 2015, 184: 80-90.
9.Hu QY, Liu TQ, Ding HN, Guo LJ, Li CF, Jiang Y, Cao CG*. Application rates of nitrogen fertilizers change the pattern of soil organic carbon fractions in a rice-wheat rotation system in China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2022, 338: 108081.
10.Fan DJ, Liu TQ, Sheng F, Li SH, Cao CG, Li CF*. Nitrogen deep placement mitigates methane emissions by regulating methanogens and methanotrophs in no-tillage paddy fields. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2020, 56: 711-727.
11.Zhang W, Liu TQ, Ren GD, Hörtensteiner S, Zhou YM, Cahoon EB, Zhang CY*. Chlorophyll degradation: the tocopherol biosynthesis-related phytol hydrolase in Arabidopsis seeds is still missing. Plant Physiology, 2014, 166: 70-79.
12.Ding HN, Liu TQ, Hu QY, Liu M, Cai ML, Jiang Y, Cao CG*. Effect of microbial community structures and metabolite profile on greenhouse gas emissions in rice varieties. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 306: 119365.
13.Hu QY, Liu TQ, Ding HN, Li CF, Tan WF, Yu M, Liu J, Cao CG*. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on soil microbial residues and their contribution to soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in a rice-wheat system. Applied Soil Ecology, 2023, 181: 104648.
14.Wang L, Qin T, Liu TQ, Guo LJ, Li CF*, Zhai ZB. Inclusion of microbial inoculants with straw mulch enhancesgrain yields from rice fields in central China. Food and Energy Security, 2020;00:e230.
15.Zhang ZS, Chen J, Liu TQ, Cao CG, Li CF*. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer sources and tillage practices on greenhouse gas emissions in paddy fields of central China. Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 144: 274-281.
16.Zhang ZS, Guo LJ, Liu TQ, Li CF*, Cao CG*. Effects of tillage practices and straw returning methods on greenhouse gas emissions and net ecosystem economic budget in rice–wheat cropping systems in central China. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 122: 636-644.
17.刘天奇,胡权义,汤计超,李成芳,江洋,刘娟,曹凑贵*. 长江中下游水稻生产固碳减排关键影响因素及技术体系. 中国生态农业学报(中英文),2022. DOI: 10.12357/cjea.20210733.
18.吴梦琴,李成芳,盛锋,冯珺珩,胡权义,陈淯琨,周浩之,刘天奇*. 基于DNDC模型评估湖北省不同稻作系统不同管理措施温室气体排放的周年变化. 中国生态农业学报(中英文),2021. DOI:10.13930/j.cnki.cjea.21009.
免耕杂交中稻基肥深施栽培技术规程,DB 42/T 1461-2018,湖北省农业农村厅,2018.09.11