1. Feng, LQ; Guo, MM; Wang, WL, et al. Evaluation of the effects of long-term natural and artificial restoration on vegetation characteristics, soil properties and their coupling coordinations. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 884: 163828.
2. Feng, LQ; Guo, MM; Wang, WL, et al. Comparative analysis of machine learning model and physical model for shallow landslide risk modeling. Sustainability, 2023, 15(1): 6.
3. Feng, LQ; Wang, WL; Guo, MM, et al. Effects of grass density on the runoff hydraulic characteristics and sediment yield in gully headcut erosion processes. Hydrological Processes, 2022, 36(8): e14643.
4. 冯兰茜, 王文龙, 郭明明等. 根系密度对黄土塬沟头溯源侵蚀产沙和形态演化过程的影响. 农业工程学报, 2020, 36(6): 88-96.
5. Chen, ZX; Guo, MM; Wang, WL; Wang, WX; Feng, LQ. Response of soil erodibility of permanent gully heads to revegetation along a vegetation zone gradient in the loess-table and gully region of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 892: 164833.
6. Guo, MM; Chen, ZX; Wang, WL; Wang, TC; Shi, QH; Kang, HL; Zhao, M; Feng, LQ. Spatiotemporal changes in flow hydraulic characteristics and soil loss during gully headcut erosion under controlled conditions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2021, 28(8): 4473-4494.
7. Guo, MM; Lou, YB; Chen, ZX; Wang, WL; Feng, LQ; Zhang, XY. The proportion of jet flow and on-wall flow and its effects on soil loss and plunge pool morphology during gully headcut erosion. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 598: 126220.
8. Lou, YB; Kang, HL; Wang, WL; Guo, MM; Zhu, YA; Feng, LQ; Shi, QH; Guo, WZ; Xu, WX. Effects of vegetation stem coverage on the hydraulic characteristics and on-wall and jet flow proportions at the gully head. Catena, 2023, 229: 107201.
9. Lou, YB; Wang, WL; Guo, MM; Guo, WZ; Kang, HL; Feng, LQ; Zhu, YN; Yang, H. Vegetation affects gully headcut erosion processes by regulating runoff hydrodynamics in the Loess tableland region. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 616: 128769.
10. Shi, QH; Wang, WL; Guo, MM; Chen, ZX; Feng, LQ; Zhao, M; Xiao, H. The impact of flow discharge on the hydraulic characteristics of headcut erosion processes in the gully region of the Loess Plateau. Hydrological Processes, 2019, 34(3): 718-729.
11. Zhu, YN; Wang, WL; Guo, MM; Kang, HL; Lou, YB; Guo, WZ; Feng, LQ; Chen, ZX. Revegetation-induced changes in vegetation diversity improve soil properties of gully heads. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 889: 164214.
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