2013.09-2017.06, 哈尔滨师范大学,资源勘查工程 工学学士
2017.09-2020.06, 哈尔滨师范大学-中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所联合培养,自然地理学 理学硕士
2020.09-2023.12, 哈尔滨师范大学,地理学 理学博士
(1) 伟德betvlctor体育官方网站“人才引进”科研启动项目,主持
(2) 科技部基础资源调查项目,东北高纬度多年冻土本底及冻融灾害调查(2022FY100701),参与
(3) 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,兴安型多年冻土对全球变化的响应机理及其碳循环过程研究(U20A2082),参与
(4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,东北多年冻土泥炭地碳动态变化对全球变暖的响应及机制研究(41971151),参与
(1) Liu, C., Dong, X.F., Wu, X.D., et al., 2022. Response of carbon emissions and the bacterial community to freeze–thaw cycles in a permafrost-affected forest–wetland ecotone in Northeast China. Microorganisms, 10, 1950.
(2) Liu C., Song Y.Y., Dong X.F., et al., 2021. Soil enzyme activities and their relationships with soil C, N, and P in peatlands from different types of permafrost regions, Northeast China. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 670769.
(3) 刘超,王宪伟,宋艳宇,等. 2021. 增温对冻土区泥炭沼泽土壤孔隙水甲烷关联微生物和溶解性有机碳的影响. 生态学报, 41(01): 184-193.
(4) Dong, X.F., Liu, C., Wu, X.D., et al., 2023. Linking soil organic carbon mineralization with soil variables and bacterial communities in a permafrost-affected tussock wetland during laboratory incubation. Catena, 221, 106783.
(5) Song, Y.Y., Liu, C., Song, C.C., et al., 2021. Linking soil organic carbon mineralization with soil microbial and substrate properties under warming in permafrost peatlands of Northeastern China. Catena, 203, 105348.